We have made available for download a set of fluctuation electron microscopy data analysis routines for electron nanodiffraction patterns written in MATLAB. Right now, the routines only calculate the variance of annular averages, and they only …
Year: 2014
New papers
Work on ALD-coated catalysts and In clustering in InGaN LEDs by Fengyuan and Andy respectively has recently been published in ACS Catalysis and Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Welcome new graduate students Sachin Muley and Chenyu Zhang!
Two new graduate students have joined the group. Sachin Muley will be working on bulk metallic glass structure in thin films, and Chenyu Zhang will be working on STEM imaging technique development and defects in oxides.
Andy’s paper on high-precision STEM published
Andy’s paper “Picometre-Precision Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Imaging of Platinum Nanocatalysts” is now published in Nature Communications. The university has issued a press release about Andy’s work.
Li’s paper on BMG thin films published
Li’s paper “Effect of annealing on the compositional heterogeneity and structure in zirconium-based bulk metallic glass thin films” has been published in a special issue of Thin Solid Films devoted to bulk metallic glass thin …
Andy wins MRS Graduate Student Award!
Andy won a Silver Graduate Student Award from the Materials Research Society at the Spring MRS meeting last week. Congratulations, Andy!
Andy publishes paper on InGaN quantum wells
Andy’s paper on composition fluctuation in InGaN layers inside InGaN/GaN quantum-well LEDs has been published online at Microscopy and Microanalysis.
Andy Yankovich finalist for MRS Graduate Student award
Andy Yankovich is a finalist for an MRS Graduate Student award. He will be awarded either a Silver or Gold award at the Spring 2014 MRS meeting in April. Congratulations, Andy!
Jinwoo Hwang wins 2014 Albert Crewe award
Former Voyles group member Jinwoo Hwang has won the 2014 Albert Crewe award from the Microscopy Society of America. This is the most prestigious physical science post-doc award given out by the society. Congratulations, Jinwoo!
Two papers published
Two papers that Fengyuan Shi contributed to have now been published. One paper discusses the effect of non-stoichiometry on the TMR of Co2MnSi MTJs and the other covers stabilization of base metal catalysts by ALD overcoating. …