New papers!

Ashutosh contributed to a study of thermal interface resistance in Si nanomembranes now published in Physical Review Letters, and Paul worked with Xing Wang from the computational materials group on a study of irradiation-induced amorphization in SiC now …

Farewell to Min Yu

With regret we say good bye to Min Yu, who is leaving the group for personal reasons.  She’s done great work on nanocatalysts and metallic glasses, so we hope to see her back again in …

New paper on shear bands

Paul has contributed to a new paper using quantitative electron microscopy to measure the density of shear bands that appears this week in Physical Review Letters.  The primary work was done by Vitalij Schmidt, and graduate …

Congratulations Andy and Yizhang!

Both Andy and Yizhang successfully defended theses yesterday.  Congratulations!  Andy will be joining Eva Olsson’s laboratory at Chalmers University as a post-doc, and Yizhang will be continuing his education in data science and statistics at …

Andy wins Turnbull publication award

Andy has won the Materials Science Program 2015 Turnbull Research Award for his paper Picometre-precision analysis of scanning transmission electron microscopy images of platinum nanocatalysts.  Congratulations!

Lots of papers!

New papers published by Andy on high precision STEM with big pixels and denoising STEM images, by Fengyuan on Co2(Mn,Fe)Si MTJs, and Li on MRO in ultrastable indomethacin thin films.  Raw data for many of these …