Soohyun Im


Soohyun was born in Seoul, a city in Korea. She received her B.S. degree in Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Engineering from Sejong University in 2011, and her M.S. degree in 2013. After that, she started her PhD study at the Ohio State University and obtained her PhD degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering in 2021. She joined Voyles Group as a post-doctoral research associate in June 2021.


Research Interests

Soohyun’s current works in the Voyles group focus on quantitative STEM and fluctuation electron microscopy.


    1. Soohyun Im, PhD thesis, Correlating Structural Heterogeneity to Properties of Metallic Glasses Using 4-D STEM.
    2. Soohyun Im, Zhen Chen, Jared M. Johnson, Pengyang Zhao, Geun Hee Yoo, Eun Soo Park, Yunzhi Wang, David A. Muller, and Jinwoo Hwang, Ultramicroscopy 195 (2018) 189-193.
    3. Jared M. Johnson, Soohyun Im, Wolfgang Windl, Jinwoo Hwang, Ultramicroscopy 172 (2017) 17-29.

Awards and Honors

  1. Microscopy & Microanalysis Presidential Scholar Award, “Effect of probe channeling on differential phase contrast at the atomic scale”, M&M 2016, Columbus OH, USA, July 2016.
  2. The Best Poster Award, “Influence of additional elements on the thermal stability and mechanical properties in Zr-based bulk metallic glasses”, International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials, Torino, Italy, June 2013.