Congratulations to Jason Maldonis on the successful defense of his thesis and earning the PhD in Materials Science! We’ll miss him, but he’s off the bigger challenges in the future.
New method to analyze short-range order in metallic glass models
Jason has published a paper using machine learning to discover short-range order in computer models of metallic glasses. The methods extracts SRO clusters from the model, aligns them using a ML method called point pattern …
Machine learning accelerates STEM simulations
Our paper on using machine learning to develop fast, approximate methods for STEM image simulations has been published. The method requires training on full multislice simulations, but once its trained for a particular system, it’s …
New papers in spintronics
Congli’s work continues to make it’s way into the literature. Papers he contributed to on Fe16N2, a novel material with high intrinsic perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, and improved performance on CoFeB/MgO magnetic tunnel junctions by capping …
Papers on atom plane buckling in LaAuSb and Mo-Si-B coatings
Chenyu has contributed to a new paper on Au dimerization and the associated buckling of selected atomic planes in the half-Heusler alloy LaAuSb. Chenyu and Congli contributed microanalysis to paper on Mo-Si-B high-temperature protective coatings.
Congli moves to a faculty position
Congratulations to Congli Sun, who has recently accepted a position as an Assistant Professor in the Nanostructure Research Center of the Wuhan University of Technology. He will start this new position in September.
Three new papers
Three new papers: Jason’s paper on the StructOpt structure refinement code has been published. The code is available on GitHub. Congli and Chenyu contributed to a paper on MnO2 nanowires for battery applications, and Paul …
paper on perpendicular MTJs
Congli has contributed to a paper just published in Journal of Applied Physics on perpendicular magnetic tunnel junctions created using W seed and capping layers. These junctions are more thermally stable than perpendicular junctions based on …
FEMSIM + HRMC code release
Jason has completed the first official release of the FEMSIM / HRMC code. The code is described in the a recent paper and is available in an associated data set. Working versions and updates will be posted …
new paper on Heusler / GaAs spin valves
Ashutosh has contributed to a new paper on Heusler alloy / GaAs spin valves which has appeared in Physical Review B. This is the last Voyles group paper of 2016. Happy New Year!